“If you have a heartbeat, there’s still time for your dreams.” – Sean Stephenson


After 27 years, he’s still got it! It’s only been in the last 6-7 years that I’ve finally been able to see him live (twice at Snoqualmie, once in Bremerton, once in Kingston and once in Tacoma). In previous years I was either in Denmark or too young to attend concerts in casinos.

Anyway, just a few of my favorite pics to remember the night. Until next time!

“Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple.” Woody Guthrie


When I have previously driven to OKC, I’ve able to slowly adjust to the heat – usually as I make my way through Wyoming, Colorado and into New Mexico. By the time I make it to Oklahoma City, I’m relatively adjust to the blistering heat of the summer. But when I fly in, there is always a huge shock when I step out from the climate controlled airport and into the furnace otherwise known as Oklahoma.

It’s like a level of hell, or walking into an oven or just… Of course I’m here just in time for an excessive heat warning. In Seattle we have ‘heat advisories’ for the low-90s, telling people to stay indoors, drink water, etc. Through Saturday we’re under an ‘Excessive Heat Warning’ with a heat index (temp/humidity) up to 115. Gross.

IMG_8769But since I didn’t drive down, I rented a car for my stay. The Colcord Hotel (home away from home) does have a shuttle for Downtown/Bricktown, but with a few days to explore, I’d rather have a car at my disposal.

I arrived around dinner time on Tuesday. I found a liquor store to buy a bottle of wine (because you can’t get wine in a grocery store – nor can you buy a wine opener where they sell wine, had to find one elsewhere), ordered room service and crashed out early. I was up and out the door by 9:30 yesterday. Since I didn’t get to road trip down, and I have unlimited miles on my rental, I decided to try and put a few miles on. From OKC I drove 110 miles up to Tulsa to visit the Woody Guthrie Center. It’s not a big place to explore, but it holds several interesting pieces from his collection as well as a ton of history surrounding his songs and art work.

Lyrics to “This Land is Your Land”

From Tulsa I headed 115 miles west to Enid, OK for an ‘old time museum’ that was supposed to be open. Except it wasn’t and I wasted 2.5 hours driving there and then back toward I-35S. Oh well, it was a pretty drive. From Enid it was another 100 miles back toward OKC. I made a stop in Guthrie, OK to visit the Oklahoma Frontier Drugstore Museum – wow, they had a ton of stuff on display. And I love how pretty much everything was cured with morphine and alcohol. Established in 1887, Guthrie was the original capital of Oklahoma and it’s beautiful downtown is considered a National Historic Landmark. I wanted to spent more time exploring the city, but at 105F, it just wasn’t worth the misery of strolling the old streets. I might try and head back up on Saturday, but we’ll see.

Once I got back to the hotel, I met up with some friends who arrived from various corners of the US (and one from England). We walked down to the pub for a bite to eat and ended up playing Trivia. We were doing great, but fumbled in the last minute to come in 4th (I think?) out of six. For the majority of the game we were in second place. Boo.

This morning I was up and out the door around 9am (already 85F). I headed south to Moore, OK where a massive Tornado hit in 2013 just prior to my visit/tornado dance. Cait and I had explored one of the neighborhoods and I returned in 2014 to the same block for progress photos. This year it was almost unrecognizable. There was still one empty lot, but otherwise life goes on, right?

Life not quite back to normal.

From there I drove down some backroads (only other traffic I saw was a tractor) to El Reno where the tornado that put me in a shelter, touched down. There is a memorial for the three members of the TWISTEX team that died. I have to say, it was a little nerve-wracking being out in those fields, so far from anything. There weren’t any storm clouds in the distance or anything (I would’ve chickened out), but still… It didn’t help that the radio had played an ad for storm shelters on the drive out.

Tomorrow a few more friend arrive in the morning, Harmon’s charity event tomorrow evening. Since I opted out of the Saturday golf event, I hope to spend the day exploring a bit more. Sunday will be lazy until it’s time to say goodbye for another year and head home. In an airplane. Zoom Zoom.

What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. — Yiddish Proverb

I let me inner child out for an evening last night. Growing up I listened to a lot of country music. A favorite of mine (around age 8) was Clint Black. He was my first real celebrity crush. Unfortunately, every time he toured here, it was always in casinos where you had to be 18/21 to get in. It wasn’t until three years ago (I think) that I finally go to see him live – and last night, I saw him for the third time!

It was a bit pricey for a casino all the way over in Kingston ($95 – at at least I was second row). The casino does reimburse you for the ferry ride over, so that saved me an additional $16.40. But still, $95 was a bit much, but totally worth it. The man is amazing live (I already knew this from the previous two times I’ve seen him – Snoqualmie and EQC), but it’s fantastic to hear a live artist that actually sounds like their record. Refreshing. He didn’t have an opening act this time which was fine with me. The set wasn’t too long or too short, though he didn’t do Desperado, which… wait, what? I was so certain he was coming back up on stage to do that one last song and then.. they were taking everything down and the lights were on. Clint, why you no sing desperado?

I did manage to grab one of his guitar picks that he tossed into the audience *swoon*

So yeah, his voice was fantastic, his guitar and harmonica (and even drum!!) skills were spot on. And he’s got a great sense of humor. I felt bad – toward the end people would approach the stage for autographs… while he was singing. Um, excuse me? I know you’re ‘older’ but sit your ass down, I’m watching him sing, thankyouverymuch.

A few times comments of his started to sway toward political comments and I was worried I was going to be irritated – I mean, we’re all entitled to our own opinions (and actually, I’m not sure what his are), but I paid money to hear the man sing, not comment on politics. But he didn’t say anything to really indicate much of his thoughts, so that was good.

I was, by far, one of the youngest in the crowd. And felt a little out of place at this hole-in-the-wall casino. The woman next to me was telling me about all the concerts she’s seen – mostly country artists I’ve never heard of.

I knew he wouldn’t, but I so hoped he’d do an early Christmas song. That album has been our ‘go to’ standard for Christmas albums. I mean, I had it on cassette and now cd. It’s amazing and perfect and… ugh, I just want him to come to our Christmas party and sing Christmas songs all evening. Hey Clint, can we work that out? Please?

I got a few photos. In the beginning, the announcer said no flash photography (which is fine – looks like shit anyway in a concert) but then one song in, some casino worker went around yelling at people for taking photos at all. I have some great ideas for show photos. Maybe we can work a deal, Mr. Black. I’ll pay for my ticket next time AND take pictures in exchange for a meet-n-greet. Deal? Unfortunately, the quality of what I have is pretty crap… not easy to take quick ones before raging security comes with her frowny-face.

I did end up having to wait about an hour at the Ferry dock to catch the last ferry of the evening. I was worried that I would have to drive the long way home, down around Tacoma (about 2 hours), but I guess I had plenty of time.

I gambled a bit and went up/down and finally I was just done. I think I lost like two bucks overall. Could’ve been much worse. Or much better. I just don’t have the patience to gamble much more than 10-15 minutes.

So in the end, my inner eight year old is a very satisfied little girl right now. I smiled the entire way home AND when I woke up to find the guitar pick on my nightstand. I just hope he comes back soon, and does a show a little closer to home.